Whether it’s the first day at school or a birthday, at Spielwaren Schweiger in Nuremberg for every big day in the life of the little ones a suitable present can be found. In the toy city rich in tradition the business has been supplying toys and school supplies since 1896 and it set up shop at the current location in 2002. Starting in 2015, Oktalite now ensures the optimum lighting over an area of 1,300 square metres, various ceiling situations having to be taken into account. Above the main sales area (800 square metres) the ceiling height is eight metres, three smaller sales areas and a gallery being located under roof slopes.
Daylight enters via large skylights. To provide a perfect solution in this situation, Oktalite works with a lighting control system via motion and daylight sensors. In that way less frequented areas such as the gallery are provided with less lighting intensity. As soon as customers enter the area, without any time lag further luminaires additionally switch on – and that with allowance being made for the incidence of daylight through the skylights. Motion and daylight sensors are here perfectly coordinated with one another and work hand in glove. For the owner this means: energy saving and an additional attraction for small and large customers. Photos: Christoph Meinschäfer
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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne
+49 221 59767-0