Two in one: opthalmic optics & hearing acoustics in one store
Large, bright, friendly and barrier-free: that is how the new KIND store in CELLE presents itself. The combination of old and new buildings in the beautiful row of historic houses invites you to make the acquaintance of the world of KIND consisting of hearing acoustics and opthalmic optics

Light-pervaded transparency and flexibility is conveyed by the sales area in the KIND store. Over 420 square metres, the areas for good seeing and hearing are presented with two open advisory areas and the goods displays structuring the room with integrated lighting. SISTEMA COMPACT in the single module sets ideal light with the Efficient Colour light colour and accentuates logos as well as products. Barrier-free: the new building has a height difference of two steps. Customers can also use a ramp.

Centrepieces: the rooms for eye and hearing tests must meet customised requirements. Therefore our lighting designers have developed a dimmable LED cove lighting unit here in combination with SISTEMA COMPACT. The KIND employee can adjust this lighting control system in line with needs quite simply via tocuh panel and can hence generate very varied room atmospheres. The novelty here is that there is a hearing aid shop specially for children on the upper floor.

All from one mould and for all requirements:all of the adjoining rooms were also illuminated with products from Oktalite and Trilux. In the staircase the wall-mounted luminaire POLARON cuts an excellent figure. Energy-efficient and pleasant light thanks to the recessed luminaire SIELLA provides atmosphere in the staff room, while in the shopping arcade recessed INPERLA luminaires underscore the KIND shop front. The light colour with 4000 kelvins and hence somewhat cooler than inside here emphasises the store's modern, fresh look.

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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne
+49 221 59767-0