"Xpress yourself" is the motto of the young fitness line of the franchise company "INJOY". The lighting and the atmosphere of the fitness club of the new generation is part of the programme for optimising training and setting oneself apart from the competitors.
The luminaires with their clear aesthetics bring dynamism and excitement into this 'Xpress area', they increase the feeling of well-being and the scene-setting factor for the body-emphasising customers.“
Till Meckenstock, Key Account-Manager

In the "muscle workshop", expressive spotlights B.LEE provide accents and drama. They raise the stage character of the area for bodybuilders.

The areas of cardio and equipment training were equipped with the flexible light strip system E-LINE. In the room the light strips are arranged in the shape of a polygon – in that way, they support the company's CI and enliven the area.

In the aisle areas, flexible spotlights of the brand "B.LEE" ensure a slight accentuation and interesting contrasts.

Human Centric Lighting, the human being at the centre of the lighting, this aspect of intelligent LED lighting control comes into effect in the lighting concept for the course programme. From Pilates to Zumba, different light colours support the feeling and the rhythm of the participants during training.

"For us, as a lighting specialist, those are the core competencies that we consistently develop further – the fitness area is ideal for that.“
Till Meckenstock, Key Account Manager
In accordance with the stipulations of the course choreography, the course participants generally start with neutral lighting that during the warmup and training phase gains an increasingly strong, activating red proportion, to change into a cooler violet/blue for the relaxing "cool-down". Moreover, the dynamic lighting control system from Oktalite accompanies the individual dramaturgy of each course and is an integral part of the training programme.
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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne
+49 221 59767-0