

Zürich, Switzerland


Shopping with an enjoyment factor

With immediate effect, Jelmoli relies not only on fashion, but also on cuisine. The traditional department store in Zürich has opened, on an area of 2000 square metres, a new food department unique in Europe.

Zürich, Switzerland




2000 m²


The special challenge of a low ceiling height was overcome by Interstore Design and Schweitzer Project in this case by the use of the recessed LED spotlights TARO and STRATUS VS 155 from Oktalite. The choice fell on black spotlights as they can be fitted unobtrusively into the ceiling ducts. The result is also impressive as regards energy efficiency: the LED luminaires consume only 13.9 watts per square metre.

The newly designed "Mövenpick" wine cellar matches, with its stylish ambiance, the Jelmoli Food Market well. Over an area of 200 square metres, TARO, TARO MINI und QUIRA, recessed in a mirror-ceiling, impart a pleasantly open atmosphere to the low room. Spot reflectors permit, moreover, outstanding focussing on the exquisite selection of 600 wines from all over the world.

Whether wine, sushi or cheese – with the LED solution from Oktalite the customers of the Jelmoli Department store are invited to linger and enjoy themselves in the food supermarket after shopping

Products used


QUIRA - the recessed luminaire with impressive characteristics: top-performing and, with two sizes, extremely flexible. QUIRA can be swivelled in to accentuate the merchandise in the salesroom and at the same time it remains flush with the ceiling. And swivelled out, QUIRA reaches every high-level decoration with pin-point accuracy. Optionally fitted with the ACTIVE LED module. This makes the precise adjustment of the light possible as regards intensity and colour temperature. Now wireless lighting management available for low-installation modernization.

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With TARO MINI TRACK, we supplement our portfolio with the addition of a striking LED track-mounted spotlight with track drivers of the latest technical generation: compact, chic, at the same time extremely effective and easy to handle. The newcomer is also available as an LED IQ BLE variant: perfect for uncomplicated lighting renovation with lighting fittings that can be controlled smartly via Bluetooth. Now wireless lighting management available for low-installation modernization.

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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne


+49 221 59767-0

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