
Fashion house Leffers

Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Wilhelmshaven, Germany




3300 m²



Open loft design with separate lighting level

The fashion house Leffers in Wilhelmshaven presents itself comprehensively modernised in open industrial design. On two floors for ladies’ fashion totalling 3,200 square metres the raw ceilings together with the technical equipment now become visible. The whole visual appearance was designed to be bright and appealing. In addition, Leffers invested in a new lighting concept and changed the design over completely to LED luminaires. With a ceiling height of more than 4 metres, at 3.20 metres a new lighting level with power tracks was installed.


The latter follow the arrangement of the goods and the room architecture and thus act as a design element. Oktalite met the requirement of perfect colour rendition with excellent efficiency with the help of the Efficient Colour LED module. The module was inserted, in each case with 4,000 lumens, into the spotlights B.LEE and QUIRA PLUS. In the second construction phase the gentlemen’s sales floor is now also being given a new look.


Products used


QUIRA PLUS: for this recessed luminaire, lighting comfort and performance are things to be taken for granted. QUIRA PLUS can be swivelled in to accentuate the merchandise in the sales room and at the same time it remains flush with the ceiling. And swivelled out, QUIRA PLUS reaches every high-level decoration with pinpoint accuracy. Optionally fitted with the Tunable White module. This makes the precise adjustment of the light possible as regards intensity and colour temperature. Now wireless lighting management available for low-installation modernization.

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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne


+49 221 59767-0

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„Special Mention“ in the categories „Excellent Brands - Corporate Brand of the Year“ and Excellent Brands - Building & Elements“