Lighting is elementary for presenting ranges in a high-profile and attractive manner. All of the goods groups in the retail area can have scenes set for them in a targeted way with LIVELINK. Intelligent lighting systems that can be controlled via sensors, minimise their energy consumption, automatically report maintenance requirements and interact on a customized basis with the users – the lighting market has changed enormously through the LED transformation, increasing digitization as well as social megatrends such as connectivity and big data.
That opens up a wide variety of possibilities for controlling and monitoring lighting solutions. With a lighting management system that through intelligence provides new functions and makes design and installation quite simple. Together with the sensor technology specialist STEINEL, we concentrated our know-how and our specific experience and developed exactly this intelligent system: LIVELINK.

In the Kölner Weinkeller in Cologne, LIVELINK permits the economical installation and reliable configuration of customised lighting scenes. In this case: useful lighting for good orientation of the staff, atmospheric sales lighting for customers and accentuated lighting for events as well as for the "Treasure Chamber“ with its wine rarities.
If the sales range or display window decoration changes, the lighting is quickly and easily adjusted. On the cost side the lighting management system is convincing with its high savings potential: at Toys World in Gütersloh, LIVELINK detects the daylight present in the shop window with sensors and adds only exactly as much light as is needed to reach the desired brightness level.
Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne
+49 221 59767-0