
06. abril 2018 | Proyectos

EuroShop Retail Design Award 2018

Every year EHI praises the EuroShop Retail Design Award. For this year's award, 85 proposals from 27 countries were submitted. 35 projects reached the final round. The following three projects reached the finals with the light from Oktalite: Adidas Store in Milan, Carrefour Market Gourmet in Rabat and REWE 2020 in Weil am Rhein.

For EuroShop RetailDesign Award an international team of experts made up of representatives of leading press publications and retail associations nominates the best stores with the most successful store concepts. From the multitude of candidates the jurors then select the three best stores. Criteria are an inspiring design, a clear message in terms of product range, an unambiguous appeal to a specific target group, and a very good corporate design.

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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Colonia


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„Special Mention“ in the categories „Excellent Brands - Corporate Brand of the Year“ and Excellent Brands - Building & Elements“